Even More!! Reasons to Vote Republican in 2004

(or, Why I'm Voting Democrat in 2004)


Okay, technically this isn't a real reason. Normally this site doesn't respond to crazed emailers...or even rational ones, actually.  The email below remains one of the more confused rants received so far, however and was too fun to pass by.

Mr. Williams will likely end up voting for Governor Bush, so we thought we'd give him a reason.

He's right, though.  We here at Top52 are too dumb to understand how anyone could think a Liberal would support any of the programs mentioned.  They either don't exist or are the opposite of what the administration claims they are.

Postscript:  See links on previous page to other proponents of the "Bush is a Liberal" theory.

An Email From A Top52 "Fan"
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 09:59:10 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Williams" <jdslw@yahoo.com>  
Subject: You must be too dumb to understand
To: democratic_2004@yahoo.com


that Bush is one of the most liberal presidents the US
has ever seen! Education bill, prescription drugs,
AIDS funding, amnesty for illegal aliens.... the list
goes on and on. You dipshits should be in heaven. But
like all liberals I see from your website that you
really can't do anything more than spew hate and lies.
Do you have any IDEAS (look it up)? You are exactly
the kind of people that are going to cause the demise
of the USA. I wish all of you idiots would gather
together in California and just secede. Take the whole
damn state! The rest of the country would be a lot
better for it. 

